Thursday, May 8, 2008


Koda & Kadee had a little accident the other day. Daddy had just gotten home and Koda knows what that means it is time to "wrestle". Now that we have Kadee, Koda feels a little left out so him and dad have fun together although sometimes it can get a little out of control. Kadee was laying on the floor playing when Koda step on her face. She starting screaming and Koda took off he knew he was in trouble. She had no cuts just a black eye. So from now on the wrestling will have to be in a different room than her. Kadee will make a full recovery and Koda better watch out cause one of these days Kadee going to take him out!


The Lapuaho's said...

How sad....At lease it wasn't a sister throwing something at her head.

Scott and Angie said...

That is way sad. Hope it wont scar her for life!! Melissa said she has seen you, we all need to go to lunch. I am going to the ER and Mckay dee, last day is june 1st.

Scott and Angie said...

That is way sad. Hope it wont scar her for life!! Melissa said she has seen you, we all need to go to lunch. I am going to the ER and Mckay dee, last day is june 1st.

Jamie said...

Poor girl, luckily it's only temporary. Kids are so prone to getting hurt but heal so much faster than adults and have much less pain.

berrymom said...

I am glad there were no cuts! That is scary. Wrestling time can get a bit crazy around here, too, and we don't even have a dog!

the girls said...

SO said stacys right

Mackay Family said...

That is so sad!! I am always scared that is going to happen to Tanner. Burley gets so excited.